Data comes in many forms, and we are used to seeing it on a daily basis. While we are familiar with quantitative data (think charts and graphs, statistics, marketing claims, etc.), qualitative data is sometimes less obvious. This does not mean, however, that it is not valuable. In fact, qualitative research is incredibly valuable to IFANR clients. Qualitative research encompasses “the study of natural social life” (Saldaña, 2011, p. 3,) and provides insights into how people think and feel. With enough qualitative data, researchers can begin to build theories about human behavior, cultural beliefs, social norms and ideas. Ultimately, this allows the research team at IFANR to understand the actions and decision-making processes of our clients’ membership base. This is highly beneficial information for our clients, as they can use this information to achieve their membership and strategic goals.
For example, when the IFANR team conducts one-on-one interviews we gain deep insights into the ideas and opinions of our clients’ member base. We learn about the value of an association’s membership, we hear ideas regarding the direction of strategic planning, and we learn about the areas of success, as well as the member needs that are going unmet. Ultimately, qualitative data allows us to understand the how and the why behind member action and decision making, therefore showing our clients the path to growth and success.
If you’re interested in learning more about how IFANR uses qualitative data, reach out to us at: 703-969-5975 or
Saldaña, J. (2011). Fundamentals of qualitative research. Oxford University Press.